How to create high quality client emails
Would you rather get $1 per day or $100 per week for the rest of your life?
Everyone – including your clients – would choose the higher-value, lump sum of cash. Quality over quantity isn’t a ground-breaking concept. But, sometimes it can be difficult to shake the idea that “more is more” – especially, when it comes to customer communication.
An average office worker receives 121 e-mails a day. This usually leads businesses to do one of two things: send too many e-mails to compete with the noise or send too few e-mails to stand out from the crowd. Unfortunately, when it comes to email frequency, there is no magic number. The best you can do is know your client, experiment and find a happy medium. Beyond that, it’s the quality of your emails that will get you sent to the spam folder, not the quantity. In fact, 32% of people who unsubscribe from an email list do so because they find it to be “irrelevant or useless.”
Use these 3 content marketing tips to create high-quality, valuable e-mails for your clients:
Speak to your audience
Marketers can’t say this enough. The importance of knowing your audience – their wants, needs, hopes and dreams – is invaluable. You can’t speak to your audience if you don’t know them. Learn about the websites they visit. The blogs they read. The social media channels they follow. Read like them, follow like them and aspire to think like them.
Share valuable content
If you want clients to read your e-mails, become a valuable resource. Use your audience knowledge to become a vessel of useful information. Send them blog snippets, article summaries or risk management tips related to the topics they care about, that they can really use. (Don’t forget to give your source credit where credit is due.)
Sprinkle in insurance
If you have a new product that you would like to share with your client, sprinkle it into your content. Once you’ve provided your customer with value, it’s actually okay to share product information. Just remember – you’ll no longer have an audience to speak to if you don’t put their wants and needs first and foremost.
Did you find these tips helpful? What other marketing subjects would you like to discuss? Let us know in the comments below.

Bri Cappella, Integrated Marketing Specialist
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