• Glatfelter Agent Blog - Resources for Independent Insurance Agents

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4 ways to encourage learning and growth in your agency


By Jessica Wenrich, Marketing on September 6, 2018

The insurance industry offers ample opportunity for advancement - here are 4 ways to encourage learning and growth in your agency.

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How do you leverage LinkedIn and grow your network?

Sales, Marketing, Business

By Staci Cretu, Marketing on August 24, 2018

Learn how to leverage LinkedIn for professional networking and marketing. How to set up your profile and tips to connect with your audience and grow your connections on LinkedIn.

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Search Engine Optimization: 4 Ways to Make it Work for Your Insurance Agency

Technology, Marketing, Business

By Katrina Eicholtz, Marketing on August 9, 2018

With 3.5 billion Google searches performed each day, your agency needs to stand out against the noise online. Search engine optimization is the practice of improving the quality and...

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4 ways to best support employees


By Jessica Wenrich, Marketing on August 3, 2018

Boosting employee morale will boost your bottom line, too. Here are 4 incredible ways to best support your employees.

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The 5-day journey of your next great idea

Marketing, Business

By Brittany Wolf, Marketing on July 27, 2018

Right now, there are ideas in your brain waiting to be triggered and released into your conscious mind. Learn about the best ways to harness this creativity that's working behind the scenes.

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Are you a workaholic? Why being too productive is bad for your career.


Tips for workaholics including why all work and no play is a bad business practice, 5 benefits of play time for adults and 3 tips to help over-productive insurance agents take a break.

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Fight the Urge to Procrastinate with 4 Quick Tips


Procrastination can be tempting, but can also lead to stress and health issues. Fight that urge with these 4 quick tip.

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De-stress, Decompress and Unwind – 3 Ways to Address Tension


By Katrina Eicholtz, Marketing on July 6, 2018

How to de-stress with 3 simple tips, including making rest-time a priority, focusing on exercise and nutrition, and making stress your friend. Stress can be, well, stressful. But, with the...

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The #1 Key to Increasing Your Company's Profits

Sales, Marketing, Business

By Lindsey Elias, Marketing on June 29, 2018

The answer to increasing your company's profits may be more simple than you think. Do better business and more business with this powerful tactic, which can be the key to gaining and...

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What can a little optimism do for you?


You'd be surprised about the difference a little optimism can make in your life. Use these 3 tips to be your best self.

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