Don't waste time on business that isn't interested in value over price.
Continue ReadingDon't waste time on business that isn't interested in value over price.
Continue ReadingCreating video content does not need to be time consuming or expensive. Learn some quick tips on what you can do.
Continue ReadingOur selling proposition is value. Arriving at this proposition is driven by our culture.
Continue ReadingWe all want our money's worth when we buy something so why would it be any different in regard to agents and brokers wanting value from their program managers.
Continue ReadingAlways think of numbers contextually before deciding to use dollars or percentages ... it could mean the world of difference when closing the sale.
Continue ReadingClient communication is important for marketing purposes. Be sure to touch base regularly using more than just email.
Continue ReadingOur most significant risk is our distribution but our investment in distribution is huge and we are committed to its success.
Continue ReadingRisk control consulting can help sell and retain business, and is a critical component in an insurance program.
Continue ReadingThe cost in managing risk relies on the predictable cost of risk transfer.
Continue ReadingHaving the courage to sell value is the challenge when you are selling value over price.
Continue ReadingGlatfelter Insurance Group is a specialty provider of
premier property, casualty, life, accident and health insurance
programs, as well as consulting, education and training.
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