• Glatfelter Agent Blog - Resources for Independent Insurance Agents

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Does your insurance agency need a new source of revenue?

Value Selling, Sales, Marketing, Business

One of the best ways to find a new source of premium is to find a new industry to specialize in. But finding the right fit for each agent can be tricky.

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Turn Clients into Your Agency’s Best Advertisers in 4 Simple Steps

Value Selling, Sales, Marketing, Business

By Lindsey Elias, Marketing on November 29, 2019

Use these 4 simple steps to turn your current clients into your agency's best advertisers. If clients are happy, they will happily win you new business.

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Do these 4 things before work to set yourself up for success


By Victoria Wantz on November 15, 2019

Add these 4 simple tasks to your morning routine to reap all sorts of mental, physical and emotional benefits.

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How will millennial agents transform the insurance industry?

Technology, Sales, Marketing

By Abby Astrachan on November 1, 2019

Millennials are entering the job market in ever-increasing numbers. Here's why and how your agency can benefit from them.

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Why 'it's not personal, it's business' doesn't work in the insurance industry

Value Selling, Sales, Marketing

Let's get personal. Here's how #insurance agents can use relationships to win business:

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How Underwriters can Better Understand the Submission Process from an Agent’s Perspective
By The Glatfelter Team on October 4, 2019

By asking the right questions, underwriters can help agents communicate more effectively, leading to success for both the agent and the underwriter.

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3 Communication Tips for Agents During the Submission Process
By The Glatfelter Team on September 20, 2019

Art Seifert sits down to discuss how agents can work more effectively with underwriters, which can lead to faster quotes.

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How insurance agents can use Instagram to connect with their communities

Technology, Marketing, Business

Why insurance agents should have an Instagram account + 3 tips to help you connect to your audience...

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How to plan an agency event to increase business


By Jessica Wenrich, Marketing on June 28, 2019

Agency events are effective in promoting business. Learn how to properly plan your next event and leave a lasting impression on existing and potential customers.

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The hidden value of niche insurance

Sales, Business

Focusing on a specific niche could help you reach new levels of success. Become more than just an insurance agent and consider specialization.

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