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1 important New Year's resolution that will take you far


By Amber DeFabio, Marketing on January 12, 2018

As we start a new year, it’s a great time to work on practicing regular optimism. Optimistic attitudes are highly contagious.

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83% of us react before we do this key skill

Insider, Value Selling, Sales, Marketing

If we are formulating our next thought during that time instead of actively listening to our clients, there’s a lot of information that can be missed.

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Have you tried this 1 single step to a lasting impression?

Insider, Value Selling, Sales

By Joseph Myers, Glatfelter Healthcare on December 29, 2017

The appropriate use of rare, handwritten correspondence can solidify your position as someone to do business with.

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Would you like fries with that? 3 tips to sell additional coverage

Insider, Value Selling, Sales, Marketing

Just like I know I’m going to order a Big Mac, when your client comes to a meeting, they typically know what insurance products they’re looking to buy.

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What Citizen's Fire Academy taught me about insurance

Insider, Marketing

By Sarah McCauley, Marketing on December 8, 2017

Knowing what a day in your client’s life is like will help you to recognize the importance of your role within your agency and your duty to help serve them.

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Keeping up on the latest innovations in the industry


To keep abreast of the latest strategies and industry news, you need to keep your finger on the pulse of the industry itself.

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Are you overlooking the #1 way to attain new clients?


By Lindsey Elias, Marketing on November 24, 2017

Happy customers enjoy giving business recommendations, and do so. If you’ve exceeded a client’s expectations, they’re likely to tell others very naturally.

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The effects of new technology on insurance


By Art Seifert, Glatfelter Insurance Group on November 17, 2017

There seems to be a lot of discussion around the latest insurance applications and how they help a producer be more effective in the sales process.

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What does your agency's design say about you?


By Ivy O'Connor, Marketing on November 10, 2017

This is a great time to think about best design practices, and to see how a few design-minded tweaks can boost your bottom line

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Value vs price in the aftermath of natural disasters


The subject of value vs price can be a touchy one in this situation, but there are ways to make sure your client or prospect knows that cheaper isn't better.

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