• Glatfelter Agent Blog - Resources for Independent Insurance Agents

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    Insights Designed to Promote Your Success

Be aware of these cold calling no-nos


Cold calling isn't the easiest way to gain perspective clients. However, there may be a few things that you are doing to make it harder on yourself.

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Finding the agency or brokerage that is right for you

Value Selling

Looking to launch your career? Finding the agency or brokerage that is right for you is the first important step when delving into the industry.

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5 tips for training top-notch producers


By Katrina Eicholtz, Marketing on July 28, 2017

There are a few things you can do to guarantee that your agents are best prepared when it’s time to put their skills to use.

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Are you prepared for next-generation clients?


By Sarah McCauley, Marketing on July 21, 2017

Having such a large group of potential future clients is an exciting thing, but millennials approach the buying processing differently.

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Cultivating diversity in the insurance sector


By Lindsey Elias, Marketing on July 14, 2017

The ability to manage a diverse workforce effectively is considered necessary for an organization desiring sustainable competitive advantage in today’s market.

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Finding a pop culture sales & marketing hype-man


Rather than giving tips for the best sales pitch ever, let’s take a moment to get inspired by finding our own marketing and sales hype-man!

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Making the most of first impressions


By Amber DeFabio, Marketing on June 30, 2017

Everyone judges and they will form an impression about you instantly. Pay careful attention to the way you spend those first few seconds.

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Sharing isn't just caring; it's vital


Make the social media process less painful by using a few reliable sources that frequently post new content.

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Stop making these 5 sales mistakes


By Amber DeFabio, Marketing on June 16, 2017

Let’s skip the pitch and get straight to the good stuff. Regardless of the products you sell, every sales process works similarly.

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Customer satisfaction is the new value

Value Selling

Service is key today, and it is quickly becoming the lightening rod of value.

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